Dental impression trays suppliers
Dental impression trays suppliers

dental impression trays suppliers

British Dental Association Trusted Supplier. NSK Speed Increasing Handpieces include the Z95L which has a water spray switch to help reduce Aerosols during an AGP | Bien Air Speed Increasing handpieces offer great value for money | Kavo Dental Speed Increasing Handpieces are high quality German manufactured handpieces | BDSI Dental Supplies leading suppliers of dental equipment in the UK. Range from slow speed to turbine speed all in one handpiece. Speed Increasing Handpieces provide greater control to the dentist. UK Dental Supplies offer a wide range of speed increasing handpieces to be used on a micromotor. Speed Increasing Handpieces – Speed Increasing Handpieces Speed Increasing Electric Handpieces.Unifix Bien Air and the MK Dent range to fit all other brands. High Speed Couplings – High speed handpiece couplings Ptl NSK, Multiflex Kavo.ECN-20L EC-20L NSK Compatible slow speed handpieces. Nakamura Dental Slow Speed Dental Handpieces. The small contra-angle head allows optimal view of the treatment site. Thanks to excellent ergonomics, the straight and contra-angle handpieces from W&H prevent excessive strain on your hands during preparation. The Alegra straight and contra-angle handpieces are designed for comfortable working. Alegra Straight and Contra-angle Handpieces without light. Speed Increasing Bien Air Handpieces | Dental Electric Handpiece Bien Air UK. Kavo Dental Handpiece Promotions UK Bien Air Slow Speed Dental handpieces. NSK Endodontic Handpieces Kavo Slow Speed Dental handpieces. Slow Speed Handpieces – Slow Speed Dental Handpieces UK BDSI are an authorised distrubutor for NSK, Kavo, Bien Air, MK-dent, Nakamura Dental, Anthogyr and Saeyang NSK Slow Speed Handpieces NAC-EC, FX Range, S-Max Range.

dental impression trays suppliers

MK Dent Turbines | Manufactured in Germany MK Dent handpieces are a high quality robust choice at a competitive price.…


Bien Air Turbines | The Bien Air Bora has a 2 year warranty and is also available as a Bien Air Triple Pack offer including a free coupling. Also available is the ExpertTorque E680L and the Master Torque M9000L which is available as a buy 5 get 1 free offer. The Smart Torque S619L with 16 watt power output is available and our best selling Kavo triple pack. Kavo Turbines | Our popular Kavo Triple Packs are available at sale prices. The S-Max range has been re-designed and now features extra torque so more power. NSK Turbines | High Speed NSK Handpieces include the Pana Max 2 which screws directly onto your tubing.


Call our sales office and speak to our highly trained sales staff who will be able to guide you in the direction of the dental turbine which best suits your professional requirement. BDSI Ltd – UK Dental Supplies are official UK Sales distributor for brands such as NSK, Kavo, Bien Air, MK Dent and more. High Speed Handpieces – High Speed Dental Handpieces Dental Turbines from all major manufacturers.

Dental impression trays suppliers