Keep doing this in remembrance of me 2021
Keep doing this in remembrance of me 2021

keep doing this in remembrance of me 2021

Have the attendants and servers been assigned? Has a meeting been scheduled with them before the Memorial to go over their duties? When? What procedure will be followed to ensure that all are served efficiently?Ħ. What arrangements have been made to clean the hall prior to the Memorial and for a light cleaning afterward if another congregation will be using the hall that evening?ĥ. Have arrangements been made for someone to bring a clean tablecloth and the required number of glasses and plates?Ĥ. Have definite arrangements been made to provide the emblems?ģ. Take, eat this is My body which is broken for you do this in remembrance of Me (1 Cor. Has everyone, including the speaker, been informed of the exact time and place of the celebration? Does the speaker have transportation?Ģ. For additional reminders, note the February 15, 1985, issue of The Watchtower, page 19.ĥ By thorough advance preparation, we will demonstrate that we fully appreciate the significance of this special occasion and that we desire to celebrate the Memorial of Christ’s death in compliance with Jesus’ command.​- 1 Cor. Unleavened bread and unadulterated red wine should be provided. Assign responsible elders or ministerial servants to pass the emblems. A well-​qualified speaker who will present the information clearly and Scripturally should be selected.

keep doing this in remembrance of me 2021

They will want to take the initiative in welcoming new persons who attend. Those serving as attendants should be informed as to their duties. Is there adequate seating for all who are expected to attend? Where more than one congregation will use the hall, orderly arrangements are needed so that each congregation will have sufficient time to celebrate the Memorial. (Luke 22:19) This observance would serve as a reminder of the great sacrifice that Jesus made in behalf of humankind. All of us will want to take sufficient time to meditate on these sobering events.Ĥ Thorough Preparation by Elders: Make sure that Memorial invitations are available. This special Bible reading is scheduled during the six-​day period from Sunday through Friday, April 12-17. 20:28) To help each one appreciate this provision, we recommend considering chapters 112 through 116 of The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived.ģ Our Bible reading before the Memorial this year, as noted on the 1992 Calendar of Jehovah’s Witnesses, consists of selected verses from the Bible book of Mark. He became mankind’s Redeemer by giving his perfect human life in sacrifice. Often today we call it communion or the Lord’s Supper. Historically, this meal was called the Eucharist, which means thanksgiving. This year Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide will celebrate the Memorial of Christ’s death on Friday, April 17, after sundown.Ģ Personal Preparation: How can we prepare for a fitting observance of this important occasion? One way is to reflect prayerfully on the earthly life and ministry of Jesus. Bible How We’ve Misunderstood Do This in Remembrance of Me posted by: admin FebruRight before Jesus’ death, he instituted a special meal for his church to observe. ( Luke 22:19) This observance would serve as a reminder of the great sacrifice that Jesus made in behalf of humankind. 1 Jesus commanded his followers to celebrate the anniversary of his death.

Keep doing this in remembrance of me 2021